Super Red Bristlenose Pleco **LOCAL PICKUP ONLY**
The body of this fish is pretty much completely orange and light red all over. This makes it stand out significantly when in your tank.
- Water Temperature: Between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
- pH: Somewhere in the 6.5 – 7.5 range
- Water Hardness: 6 to 10 KH
In their natural habitat, Bristlenose Plecos have a lot of variation in their diet. They spend their time sifting through the bottom of the stream and survive mostly on plant-based materials. Sometimes, they may also cling onto plants to eat algae or feed on tiny insect larvae. Blanched vegetables like peas, cucumbers, zucchini, carrots, and such are great options.
Driftwood is excellent for algae growth. Bristlenose Plecos will eat the algae right off. While they do this, they’ll also be consuming plenty of fibrous material to keep them healthy.